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Recovery Is Our Expectation!

The Alliance for Rights and Recovery and our training partners invite you to be a part of a world where people realize personally meaningful recovery goals.

Through online and in-person training, this site is your pathway to proven, innovative recovery skills growth and professional empowerment.
new york mental health academy
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Every Person Has The Right to Choose Their Own Personal Pathway to Recovery

Every person can recover from a mental health, substance use or trauma-related condition with access to the skills and support they need to reach their personal goals.

We believe how someone takes part in their recovery optimizes the long-term impacts of recovery on their success.

An Innovative Approach to Recovery

Psychiatric rehabilitation is a philosophy and a proven recovery process where people choose, get, and keep a major role in the community that is personally meaningful to them. Here’s how it works:

Recognize the Individual

Our approach centers around each person’s quest for success and satisfaction.

Support People

Each person embraces their own humanity by identifying their personal needs and priorities. Then, they identify and gather resources, building necessary skills that advance them toward their self-determined goals.

Focus on Learning

Each person expands their skills through ongoing education, collecting resources and developing support strategies for recovery and beyond.

Resource Library for People in Recovery

Resource Library for Practitioners

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Training Built For You

Customize your training experience with live and recorded webinars, podcasts, on-site training and consultation and self-paced learning. You can also find support, guidance, and insights into program development from our Communities of Practice.

Our Commitments to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice

We are dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion practices that affirm all people find belonging, feel that they are valued, and experience equitable treatment. We are committed to dismantling racism and to advancing racial equity and social justice. We make every effort to ensure these values and principles are woven into all aspects of training. We encourage your feedback and collaboration to help shape and evolve our fulfillment of these commitments.